We Wash Away Mold & Dirt!
We are the preparation experts. From our experience, the results will only be as good as the time and care taken during the preparation process. Therefore, we put our sincere efforts into making sure our power washing is done properly and completely. Many times we power wash as groundwork to painting. Our goal is to remove all dirt, mold, and loose impediments before we move forward with the next stage of preparation. See pressure washing before and after pictures.
Newburyport Painting and Construction sets itself apart from the competition by being thorough. On most projects we use a three step pressure washing process:
Our Pressure Washing Process
- Wet the surface. This allows the surface to flower and open up for further cleansing. It also moistens grime to make it easier for removal.
- Use a diluted bleach solution (if needed) to kill mold. Mold needs to be removed before we paint in order to deliver a great finished product.
- Then we power wash again to rinse away the dirt and chemicals.
Our Pressure Washing Services Include:
- Mold removal
- Dirt removal
- Removing loose impediments and debris
- Clean out gutters, fences, decks, porches, etc.
At Newburyport Painting and Construction our pressure washing services are usually a precursor to our quality painting services. However, if you need us to pressure wash vinyl siding, a wood deck, etc., contact us! We'll be more than happy to give you a free quote with our advice on what it's going to take to make the project come out looking great!